Home for schools

Reception of schoolchildren


Lagoon Aquarium

The Aquarium des Lagons is a must-see in Noumea and takes an active part in our Festivals. Its flagship subject, which is much appreciated by young schoolchildren and presented in a fun way, is the discovery of New Caledonian sea turtles and the dangers they face during their lives. The Aquarium never misses a call and has been present at our side for many years thanks to its many volunteers. 


Pew / Bertarelli Ocean Legacy

The Ocean Legacy program of the NGO Pew and the Bertarelli Foundation is working in New Caledonia on the "Global Ocean Legacy" program which aims to identify the marine ecosystems still preserved on our planet, and to promote their protection by setting up particularly vast and highly protected marine reserves. PEW is raising awareness among schoolchildren about this theme of large reserves, which must "stick" to the reality of animal behaviour (species migrations, birthplaces and living places, etc.)



WWF, the world's leading nature protection organization, has been by our side since the beginning of the festival adventure. The WWF's New Caledonian branch regularly shares its knowledge with us by passing it on to schoolchildren through scientific workshops set up during successive Festivals. Identification and protection of sea turtle nesting sites, cetacean census or dugong preservation, the range of actions is as wide as it is interesting. 


Environmental associations 


Caledoclean's actions are already well known to the general public. Thanks, among other things, to land, sea and air clean-ups, the association tries to preserve and restore New Caledonia's natural heritage. Their actions to raise awareness of sustainable development often involve the young public. The workshops offered by Caledoclean have made a strong impression on the minds of the students who have participated in our Festivals.   


Environmental education centre 

The Environmental Education Centre never fails to answer our call. The workshops, organized for the school public welcomed during our Festivals, make students aware of the protection and preservation of the environment by using several scientific and educational supports. Discovering plastic particles in living organisms or classifying marine organisms in order to better observe and protect them, by grouping specimens according to their common points and finding the groups to which they belong, are examples of activities proposed to students with an important environmental and educational scope.


Pala Dalik

Called "l'écho du récif", this Caledonian scuba diving association with an environmental vocation works for the preservation of New Caledonia's coral reefs. It collects data on the state of health of the reefs (within the framework of the Caledonian Reef Observation Network, RORC) and carries out environmental education and awareness-raising activities for young people. Its volunteers accompany our Festivals by preparing school workshops where they teach pupils, among other things, to observe, recognise and preserve the different types of Caledonian coral, explaining the dangers and threats to their habitat. 


Sea shepherd

A key player in our Festivals, the Sea Shepherd association is part of most of our events. Established in New Caledonia since 2013, is an integral part of the local associative landscape through the actions and projects carried out by its volunteers. It runs stands and organizes workshops for the school audiences we welcome, raising awareness through appropriate teaching aids, in particular about the different shark species present in New Caledonia, their habitat, their life cycle and the dangers they face.   



The Symbiose association was created in 1994 with the aim of spreading scientific culture. It brings together teachers, researchers and anyone with a passion for science. Every year, it organizes the Fête de la Science and is at the origin of several projects such as the Vaisseaux des sciences, the Club Symbiose junior or the exhibition Couleurs de la Nature. Symbiose frequently participates in our Festivals, putting at our disposal, in addition to its knowledge and its volunteers, the Vaisseau des Sciences 2 

The "Biodiversity" exhibition proposes to understand what biodiversity is based on Caledonian examples, to travel through time, to meet biodiversity from the past and to see how it is evolving. It is also an opportunity for students to discover New Caledonian biodiversity, its particularities and the threats it faces, and to ask themselves about the need to preserve it.
